Yoono - AI Technology

Yoono – AI Technology Is Pivotal in the Future of Recruitment

Yoono.io – AI Technology Is Pivotal in the Future of Recruitment

Yoono.io discuss AI Technology in Recruitment: Artificial intelligence has come a significantly long way in the past decade or so. Once merely a concept conjured up by science fiction in popular culture, artificial intelligence systems are now implemented throughout the worlds of productivity, business, gaming and in recruitment.

Over the past decade or so, artificial intelligence has started to get used as a tool within talent acquisition. These expert systems and other programs employed by businesses have gained a significant amount of traction and subsequently evolved modern hiring practices.

What Is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence AI is no doubt a term that you will be familiar with. It can be seen beating a world chess champion in a match, contribute to the creation of lethal autonomous weapons and is one of the driving forces behind the self-driving car. All the different means for which we often see advanced AI get used tend to be activities that we do not associate ourselves with in everyday life. Well, that is not actually the case.

AI technologies can be found within a specific area of computer science. It all pertains to the ability to use machines in order simulate human intelligence. AI researchers achieve this by giving machines the ability to learn and adapt in the same way that a human being would, whilst being able to store a lot more data and processes than someone with average human intelligence ever could.

The different means by which AI research can help us develop as a society are endless, we just do not often hear about them thanks to the potential of self-driving cars and missiles overshadowing the effect that could be had on our day-to-day lives. The fact is that computer science and artificial intelligence affect our personal and professional lives in a few separate ways, both in business and in leisure.

When we consider how machine learning can apply to the business world, we see how it could assist with manufacturing, conducting work and in this instance, recruitment. AI development gives recruiters the ability to turn computer retained data sets into actionable information, which will assist with candidate screening and acquisition for years to come.

How Will Artificial Intelligence Assist with Recruitment?

The amount that AI systems have been adopted within the world of recruitment can be primarily tied to the number of benefits that come with its use. The deep learning algorithms within an AI system can make the whole recruitment process a lot more thorough, simple, accurate and efficient. Strong AI technologies let recruiters and managers alike consider applications and carry out interviews much easier than before such computer systems were put in place.

Research has been carried out on how such an intelligent system can benefit recruiters and it was revealed that a staggering 96% of HR managers think AI will be of a benefit to overall talent acquisition and the retention of said talent. These numbers show that an AI program in recruitment would not just work in theory, but it is actively endorsed by people within the industry.

Throughout the last few years, scouring through talent pools that have a high demand in order to find talent above the average person has been one of the largest issues that businesses face. These past experiences were the result of people struggling to sort the wood through the tress as tens (if not hundreds) of people all applied for the same role.

The evolution of AI and how different forms of AI work has helped to solve this problem. When organisations use artificial intelligence in their talent acquisition, they are not only looking into candidate data but adopt machine learning to leverage such research at scale. This is problem solving at its finest as the issue of having too many candidates to consider is eradicated.

AI role in recruitment

How Is Artificial Intelligence Used in Recruitment

There are a few different ways that artificial intelligence can be used in recruitment, and these include:

Sourcing Candidates

When the human brain processes information (such as that on a job application), it can do so efficiently. However, because we only have human level intelligence, the speed at which we process such information is slow. Thanks to AI development, the process of reviewing different candidates is much quicker, meaning forming talent pools can be done at pace with little to no human intervention.

When these intelligent machines are set the task of putting together a talent pool, they can scan around three hundred million profiles in a short space of time. This does not just mean reviewing the applications you have received but taking to the likes of social media and reviewing other training data to review prospective candidates who could potentially fit the role.

Artificial intelligence therefore eliminates the extremely difficult task of scouring the internet for prospective candidates and simply provides you with the information. All you must do after that is deal with the specific task of decision making, i.e., who would you like to hire.

Screening Candidates

Of course, before you even begin the process of choosing who you would like to hire, AI can help in narrowing the decision further. After the initial talent pool has been put together, you are still left with the large task of reviewing said pool and working out who you would like to call for interviews.

AI can perform tasks that make this easier by screening the pool that has been put together. In doing this it will consider the candidates that have been put forward and then score them on how much they potentially fit the role you are trying to fill. The AI’s goals of narrowing the amount of people that you need to review means that organisations will save a lot of time, giving them more availability to focus on the top talent.

There are also AI applications businesses could use to engage with these prospective candidates. For instance, AI can automatically send out different emails, chats, assessments, and next steps to some of the most promising prospective employees.

Collecting Data on Candidates

The fact of the matter is that for an organisation to be successful they need the right candidates on board. This doesn’t just mean that they can carry out their role exceptionally well, but also that they will not damage the company’s reputation in any way.

An organisations reputation is not only made up of how they treat their customers but also in who they work with (both staff and clients). This is why so many businesses are keen to run KYC checks on new people that are being integrated into their business.

As such, AI solutions such as those provided by organisations like Yoono can collect data on prospective employees, specifically what their online reputation is like and how it could potentially damage a business. All of this information can be put into a report that recruiters can review and use to decide whether or not they would be happy having said employee being associated with them.

AI can do this process much quicker and more efficiently than if recruiters were to take on the task themselves. Not only that but such machine intelligence acts with legality and does not infringe human rights or other aspects of the law with its collection of data.

Posting About Different Jobs

Artificial intelligence is used in many aspects of digital marketing in the modern world. This is because machine learning can target ads and marketing campaigns so that they will be seen specifically by those who are more likely to engage with them. The same applies with posting about jobs.

Targeted ads can make it so that all your job posts for the different roles that you have available will get seen by the target audience that most identify with your company and said role. Using the likes of cookies, machine learning can be much more effective with who sees your job posts.

Yoono - Inclusion


Being More Inclusive

AI solutions can help with ensuring your company is being inclusive throughout the hiring process. Recruiters usually fall victim to unconsciously using their subjective experience when hiring, which means they are more likely to favour candidates who have lived similar lives to them or look like them.

In this modern age of problem solving, eliminating bias in recruitment is at the top of a lot of organisations lists. Businesses can configure the machine learning that they are using to make it ignore the likes of gender, race, and background through the recruitment process. To regulate AI, it makes it a lot easier for businesses to promote inclusivity and hire a more diverse group of people.

Getting Remote Workers on Board

In 2020, because of a threat to national security, many countries were forced into mandatory lockdown as covid swept across the world. This meant that a lot of organisations who previously worked from the office had to adapt to introduce remote working. Whilst this was seen by many as a quick fix that would soon be over, thanks to the length of lockdowns, remote working has now become an intrinsic part of modern working life.

One of the benefits that comes with remote working is that you have no limit on who you can employ. If the top talent lives miles and miles away from your headquarters or office, this no longer matters, meaning it has never been easier to access the best possible candidates. When you are hiring candidates with the intention of them working remotely, AI governance can ensure you are thoroughly assessing the skill, competency, and personality of an employee to ensure they are a good fit.

AI can also be used to train these remote workers when they eventually come on board as well because different pieces of software are able to provide supervised learning. Reactive machines that will assess what an employee needs assistance with and is good at will be able to help businesses when it comes to moving forward with that individual’s employment.


When you have eventually chosen who you would like to hire, the work does not stop there, in fact, some would argue it has only just begun. When welcoming a new hire on to your team, there are several different administrative tasks that need to be carried out and these can take a great deal of time and resources.

With artificial intelligence, you can make these tasks a lot more straightforward and simpler. Machine learning can assist with putting together different templates, creating bundles and organisations letters that can all go out to whichever candidate you have chosen to hire. AI governance will also be able to run the important background checks necessary for a hire as well as creating and delivering different onboarding paperwork.

Yoono - Machine Learning

Should Your Business Use Machine Learning for Recruitment?

Artificial intelligence has come a significantly long way in the past decade or so. The deep learning that can be applied thanks artificial general intelligence is used widely across a number of different industries. This could be for quantum computing, facial recognition, the ability to predict outcomes and playing chess. Of course, it has also found a huge role within the world of recruitment.

AI, an industry which is now worth over a billion dollars, can be a massive benefit to organisations when they are recruiting new people. There are a few different reasons for this but generally speaking, having AI that makes predications and processes large amounts of information whilst applying the general intelligence possessed by humans, speeds up and makes the recruitment process a lot more efficient.

Businesses need to have some level of self-awareness in the modern age due to how much an organisations reputation can affect sales and progress. AI software such as Yoono can help with this in that it will screen and collect data about a prospective hire to assess whether working with them could damage a brands reputation. A report will be collated on an individual that will outline why they would be a good fit for a business and what their online presence is like.

Narrow AI views are a thing of the past when it comes to recruitment as it is clear embracing it is one of the best things an organisation can do. They will speed up the recruitment process and ensure whoever they end up bringing on board will be the right fit for them.